Sunday, June 5, 2011


Pienza was my favorite village we visited. This place was immaculate, quiet, and peaceful. Every doorway and window was adorned with flowers. The locals seemed more friendly, and the overlook from the village was amazing. I wandered the streets just soaking it all in. I bought most of my souvenirs here, and finished it all with a beautiful lunch in a garden restaurant with a few from my group.

(this was the overlook from the restaurant)


Adam and Sarah said...

Gorgeous pictures, gorgeous place! I am filled with intense feelings of envy! ;) Glad you had an amazing trip, Em. And all of your pictures are incredible (as usual!).

Emily Hatch said...

Thanks Sarah. Hopefully someday you and Adam can go there. No one should live life without traveling. :)

Kris Doman said...

The CHEESE! Oh, the CHEESE! How I miss real European cheese.... Gorgeous location.