Sunday, May 24, 2009

Big Fun with a Little Camera

I finally got around to downloading the pictures off of my little point and shoot camera I have in my purse.  It's always kind of fun because I never know what pictures are on there and from how long ago.  It does always remind me though how thankful I am for my nice professional camera.  Here are some samples of what came out...

I think Ethan might have taken the one above.  It's kind of a fun portrait!  The two below have a story behind them.  One morning as I was driving Ethan to school, the clouds and sky was amazing!  The mountain benches were covered with a thick blanket of clouds, and the sun was breaking through the clouds above.  These pictures don't even do a bit of justice to the scene, but it was what I could capture as I was driving on I2-15 (safe, I know)  

later that night I captured this while driving on bangerter highway.  Don't worry, I won't make shooting while driving a habit. 

1 comment:

cee + kell said...

These are AMAZING, Em. You're truly a professional if you made those with just a point and shoot...and I think you might have some competition if Ethan is responsible for the first image. Wow!!!

Sorry I've missed your's been quite the busy weekend. I'll give you a ring tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.